Above The Line Article:
"Bringing F.U.N.
By Erik Carlson
A friend and successful motivational speaker named Gary
Zeleski (you should check out his book ‘The
Passion Centered Professional') was coaching me on nailing
down my brand, and he pointed out to me an area of expertise
that I had oozing from my being. When he brought it to my
attention, I thought ‘Wow… this is IT!’
a professional speaker and coach, one has to lead with their
expertise. When Gary told me mine was being the ‘FUN
Expert’, I knew he was right, but I wasn’t sure
how it would play to the corporate market (he was confident
it would, but I had to test it first).
What better place to test it than on 600 screaming elementary
kids?! Truth be told, I test most of my magic, stories,
and ‘angles’ on kids. So I performed a total
of four assemblies to kids with the outline “F.U.N.”…
F = Find your Greatness
(We all have a gift that is priceless and needs to be shared)
U = Uplift others (Be
the encourager)
N = eNjoy the Journey
(Life hits us with ups and downs, but we can choose Joy)
Although I had already prepared my talk for the ‘adult’
luncheon the day before I flew to Spokane, I thought, ‘Why
not change it up and test this new F.U.N. angle”.
My goal when I speak is to have start-to-finish laughter
throughout my presentation, as well as deliver content that
pierces the heart and changes lives. Praise the Lord, my
feedback showed me that that was the case during this talk!
The content that I am passionate about, and have been developing
these past years, fits like a glove with this new F.U.N.
angle and is now becoming my brand.
Now that you’ve heard my story, brace yourself for
upcoming newsletters to reveal the true meaning of F.U.N.,
and let’s bring FUN back into our workplace, our families,
our lives. Now we’re truly living!