Above The Line Article:
"Prosper in Turbulent Times"
By Erik Carlson
I can’t remember a time where so many people were giving a ‘gut check’ to their career lives. People are discovering that their secure paycheck jobs are not so ‘secure’. According to Gallup, less that 20% of people in the workforce are actually engaging in their top talents and strengths on a day to day basis. This is a formula for frustration, un-fulfillment, and anxiety.
I have devoted the past 10 years of my life to this question; how can I prosper in life, especially how it applies to how I make my living? In this afternoon of self discovery, I will give you actionable takeaways that will get you on the path to true prosperity.
We will first off, define true prosperity, and how it means much more than monetary wealth. Then, the first hour of the event we will show you how to unwrap your ‘greater gift’, and get in touch with your unique design. In the second hour, we will get you to start experiencing that ‘greater gift’ right away. We will teach you how to build your business or career around your unique talents and abilities, and give you a fast track to your dreams.
Once you build your life around your greater gift (come to find out exactly what that is; it’s more than you think!), you will experience instant abundance, and the stresses of the economy and turbulent times will become IRRELEVANT!
Wow! I'm so excited for this, I’m jumping out of my SHOES! So please RSVP, as there are less than 50 seats left, and give yourself the tools to construct the path to your dreams; your dream career, dream business, dream avocation, dream life. It’s inside you, we just need to tap into it, and get it in motion.
The event is FREE, and will be held Saturday February 7th from 1:00pm to 4:30pm. See the flyer, and RSVP the first and last names of you and any guest you would like to bring. Come for a transforming time of self discovery, and network with other amazing people. I look forward to seeing you there! |