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June 2009


In this Issue:


Note From Erik:

Have you noticed that my monthly newsletters are getting closer to the end of the month? That’s called PROCRASTINATION!! I’m a master?. That’s why I’m telling you now that there is no better time to think about whom you would like to have motivate your company at their next event, training, Christmas party, etc. Have your team view my 4 minute video at and send me their contact information. I’ll follow up with them, and deliver a highly entertaining, motivational keynote experience. Let’s get excited, pick up morale, and live life the way it was meant to be lived!! Thanks for considering me, and let’s have a great July!

To Living Above the Line,


Above The Line Article:                                                                       Bookmark and Share

"Gaining Clarity"

By Erik Carlson

If I was to pick my mission for the month of June, it would be trying to gain clarity in my life. One of my Twitter tweets and Facebook updates (connect w/ me using the icons at the top of this page) was “I wear too many hats…I’m going schitzo…I ran into myself at the front door”. It is one of my downfalls…lack of clarity. I’m getting better, but I have to practice what I preach.

In order to enjoy the abundance this life has to offer, we must not ignore our Greater Gift. When we do, we are driven and tossed like a wave of the sea, and confusion reigns supreme. When this happens to me, I draw upon these 3 steps:

  1. Unwrap our Greater Gift. This is the process of discovering the very gifts and abilities the Good Lord has equipped us with. This includes three key areas: First, our deepest passions and hearts desires; or the things that ‘stir our cocoa’. Second, our signature strengths and talents, or those things that make us come alive when we perform them. The third area is our significant past experiences, painful or otherwise. That’s right. When we can grow from the difficult times we have experienced, and help others in that area, we can experience a joy like no other. When we become familiar with all three of these areas, we begin to unwrap the perfect gift God created in us!
  2. Discover our Greater Gift. This is the journey. As we roll up our sleeves and get in the game, be mindful of the three areas of your Greater Gift, and you will begin to see yourself blossom. The more in tune you are with this, the less you will buy into the distractions and time-wasting opportunities you would be better off ignoring.
  3. Experience your Greater Gift in action. This is the fun part. When we take our focus off of ourselves and serve people in such a way that we come alive and we are making a great impact, it will seem effortless. It will reveal our life’s purpose. Instant abundance is at our fingertips, and all the stresses of life will vanish like magic.

There you have it. Simple, but it works. I know I will gain clarity as I simply get away from my analysis paralysis, and give a way my Greater Gift. Let’s do this, and together we’ll make a great impacting change!

Pathfinder Binder Cover

About Erik Carlson:

Erik Carlson is a sought after speaker and entertainer. His keynote topics blend the experiences and wisdom from his successful business career, and couples it with side splitting comedy magic that will leave your audience astonished and inspired.

Erik is the author and creator of his pathfinder self study course which is a step-by-step roadmap to discovering true prosperity in your career.

Watch Erik's Promo Video or book Erik for a speaking engagement.

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